Home » Shop » The Song Remains the Same » TSRTS (1977) Flyer #1, V1 (Japan)

TSRTS (1977)
Flyer #1, V1 (Japan)

Flyer #1 / Version #1
From the collection of Mark Linchner

Flyer #1 – “4CH” on the flyer
Flyer #2 – Does not include “4CH”

There are two versions of this flyer, each version has several variations. The variations are related to the theater information printed on the back of the flyer. The bottom of each flyer has approximately two inches of printable space, allowing the theater to add the necessary information.

For those who do not read Japanese, the best way to distinguish the two versions of this flyer is the “4CH”  seen in the middle of the flyer.  This is advertising the revolutionary four-channel (4CH) theater sound system. The other flyer does not include “4CH.”


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